  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Li Shaojun


Li Shaojun was born in Hunan province in November 1967. He graduated from the Department of Journalism of Wuhan University. His published poetry collections include A Collection of Grassroots, A Poetry Reader: Thirty-two Poems, Be Blue, and Those Vanishing People. He also edited the anthology Selected Poetry from the Twenty-first Century. His works have been translated into English, Swedish and Korean. He advocates “grassroots-ness” of poetry, which has become a key word of twenty-first century Chinese poetry. He was known as a natural poet, He is currently Vice editor-in-chief of Poetry Periodical.


Joan Xie

谢炯, 60年代出生在上海。 80年代毕业于上海交通大学管理系。 1988年留学美国,后取得企业管理MBA硕士和法律博士JD学位。2014年底恢复写作。曾在美和著名旅美艺术家郑连杰合作出版诗画集《半世纪的旅途》和散文集《蓦然回首》。诗作发表在《桃花源诗季微刊》,《扬子江诗刊》等。

Joan Xie was born in Shanghai in 1960s. She attended Shanghai Jiaotong University, earning a BA While there. She came to the United States in 1988 to study, earning both an MBA and JD. Her publications include a Half-Century Journey ( 2015, co-authored with Lianjian Zheng) and essay collection Looking Back (2016). Her poems in Chinese have appeared in Peach Blossom Poetry, Yangtze River Poetry Revue and Lips.


Miracles in the Desert

对于荒漠来说 草是奇迹,雨也是奇迹 神很容易就在小事物之中显灵 荒漠上的奇迹总是比别处多 比如鸣沙山下永不干凅的月牙泉 比如三危山上无水也摇曳生姿的变色花 荒漠上还有一些别的奇迹 比如葡萄特别甜,西瓜格外大 牛羊总是肥壮,歌声永远悠扬 荒漠上还有一些奇迹 是你,一个偶尔路过的人创造的……


For the desert a blade of grass is a miracle, so is a drop of rain God is so easily manifested in little the things There are always more miracles in the desert: At the foot of Mingsha mountain, Crescent Spring never dries. On Sanwei mountain, the color-changing flower never withers. There are always other miracles in the desert: sweeter grapes, bigger watermelons, stouter cattle and sheep, never-ending melodies. There are still some miracles in the desert, created by you, a fortuitous traveler…….


Encounter with Fireflies on the Outskirts of Pingshan

萤火虫提着一只小小的灯笼 飘浮在虚无的夜空下 游荡于无边的黑暗的野外 那些飞行着的一点点微茫的火 似乎没有目的也没有方向 是夜晚草丛里最令人心悸的一景 你对我说:那些一闪一灭的萤火虫 就是灵魂在黑夜出游时 提着的一只小小的灯笼


Carrying little lanterns, fireflies float under the empty night sky, drift in the field, dark and boundless. Those tiny hazy fires, flying seem to have no destination or purpose but they form the most touching scene above the meadow at night You say, those flickering fireflies must be little lanterns carried by souls roaming in the dark night.

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