  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Bai Hua

柏桦, 1956年出生于重庆,著名诗人,现为西南交通大学教授,著有诗集多部。

Bai Hua (1956-) is a native of Chongqing, and a professor in Southwest Jiaotong University. He has published several books of poetry, and academic books.


Jinghua Fan


Fan Jinghua is a bilingual poet and translator. His poems have been published in literary magazines and anthologies in Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore and USA. He has been invited to several international poetry festivals and has read his poems in different occasions, and he has been awarded prizes for his poems and translations. Jinghua works as a university lecturer and lives in Singapore.



这君士坦丁堡的晚霞……里加晚霞…… 就这样变成了身体的幸福,他看哭了 那逃亡者目光挑剔,诗生活何其短暂 他最后注意到的东西,将会最先消失? 晚霞里,他遇见了往生四十年的父亲 刚刚与他在晚霞邮政总局擦肩而过—— 好怪,这事怎么发生在昨晚梦中的柔佛? (无论记住或忘却,都令人感到高兴) 这君士坦丁堡的晚霞……里加晚霞…… 就这样变成了身体的幸福,他看哭了 另一个年轻的纳博科夫像他年轻的母亲 只用指关节打人,从来不用整个拳头。 注释一:“他最后注意到的东西,将会最先消失。”典出《圣经》。 注释二:柔佛(马来文:Johor;英文:Johore),地名,马来 西亚十三个州之一,位于亚洲大陆的最南端。


This afterglow over Constantinople....over Riga... turns into bliss in his body. He gazes till he cries. A fugitive's eyes are particular, and poetic life is always short. What strikes his eyes last disappears first? By afterglow he sees his forty-year-dead father, rubbing shoulders in front of General PO Afterglow ---- How strange this should happen in last night's dream of Johor? (Forgotten or remembered, this is a delight.) This afterglow over Constantinople....over Riga... turns into bliss in his body. He gazes till he cries. Young Nabokov is another, who punches like his mother when young, with knuckles instead of her fist.

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