  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson



Sunshine, originally Wang Yourong, editor of Strait Poets. Born in Fuzhou, Fujian in the 1970s. He has participated in the Fuzhou workshop of Lu Xun College of Literature. His works appeared in Poetry Sky, East West Forum, Path Light, Fujian Literature, The Epoch Poetry Quarterly, Hong Kong Literature Newspaper and many others. He is a member of Fujian Writers Association and lives in Fuzhou.


Zhong Wenping

钟文平, 1996年出生于福建宁德, 居杭州。

Zhong Wenping was born in Ningde, Fujian Province in 1996. He lives in Hangzhou.


The Jacaranda on Dagen Road

浓得一塌糊涂 像马蒂斯的画一样 满眼都是紫 她连想都不想就把自己搬到了低处 那是大根路上的一种美 这里不是布里斯班 一簇簇、一团团,紫色的花 开在人间 细弱的枝干上 这里没有村上春树翻译的 《蓝花楹旅馆》 只有在教堂中做礼拜的人 络绎不绝,母亲的菜园安在楼顶 总有逝去的神秘 你要这样地想起我 来看我—— 就是来看你们自己 他们祈祷一棵树也会流泪 当她把天空压得很低 我要学会和失眠 以及身体中的自己 平静地交谈


All mess All eyes is purple Like Matisse's painting. She moved herself to the bottom without even thinking about it It is a kind of beauty on the Dagen road Not Brisbane Clusters Clusters purple flowers Blossoming in the world of thin branches Where there is no translation of Haruki Murakami's "Jacaranda Hotel" Only those who worship in the church In a steady stream, the mother of the garden installed in the roof there is always a passing mystery Think of me like this Come and see me Is to see yourself They pray that a tree will cry When she holds the sky very low I'm going to learn to talk calmly with insomnia and myself in my body

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