  Yidan Han

Wendell Berry

Wendell Berry was born in 1934 in Kentucky. He is an American man of letters, academic, cultural and economic critic, and farmer, and a prolific author of novels, short stories, poems, and essays. He is also an elected member of the Fellowship of Southern Writers.

温德尔-拜瑞是一位美国诗人、随笔作家、农民和小说家, 他于1934 年出生在肯塔基。他是三十二本诗歌、随笔和小说的书作者。自1965 年以来他工作在肯塔基亨利郡的一个农场。他的作品曾获过许多奖, 包括1971 年的国家艺术和文学院奖和T.S. 艾略特奖。



金舟,原名王铀。英文笔名为Goldboat或Gold boat。知名学者。生于于哈尔滨,旅居加拿大多年。金舟曾就读于哈尔滨工业大学,并获工学博士学位。后到北京任教,并被聘为教授。现为哈尔滨工业大学教授。 金舟的诗及其所译的英美诗歌常有发表。

Poet and translator. Originally You Wang. He was born in Heilongjiang Province, China. Goldboat obtained his Ph.D. from Harbin Institute of Technology, China. He has published many poems and translations in poetry journals in China and abroad. Now,he is a professor at Harbin Institute of Technology.

The Silence


Though the air is full of singing my head is loud with the labor of words. Though the season is rich with fruit, my tongue hungers for the sweet of speech. Though the beech is golden I cannot stand beside it mute, but must say "It is golden," while the leaves stir and fall with a sound that is not a name. It is in the silence that my hope is, and my aim. A song whose lines I cannot make or sing sounds men's silence like a root. Let me say and not mourn: the world lives in the death of speech and sings there.


尽管空中充满歌唱 我的头脑却吵闹 词语的劳作。 尽管这季节果实丰富 我的舌头却要为 讲话的甜蜜而饥饿。 尽管这山毛榉色泽金黄 我却不能站它旁边 无语,而必须说 “它是金色的,”而叶子 却随着一个无名之声 摇曳飘落。 在沉默里 是我的希望,和目标。 一段歌 我不能讲出或唱出词 听似男人的沉默 象一个树根。让我说 而不哀悼:世界 在那处说的死亡中存活 并唱歌。

The Snake

At the end of October I found on the floor of the woods a small snake whose back was patterned with the dark of the dead leaves he lay on. His body was thickened with a mouse or small bird. He was cold, so stuporous with his full belly and the fall air that he hardly troubled to flicker his tongue. I held him a long time, thinking of the perfection of the dark marking on his back, the death that swelled him, his living cold. Now the cold of him stays in my hand, and I think of him lying below the frost, big with a death to nourish him during a long sleep.


在十月末 我在林地上发现 一条小蛇 背部装饰着暗色的图案 象他所躺在的树叶一般。 他的身体因一只鼠 或小鸟变粗了。他冻着了, 如此僵木因他鼓胀的腹部 和秋天的空气,他不能来回 转动他的舌头。 我握着他好长时间,考虑 他背上图案的完美,死物 肿胀了他,他活受严寒。 现在他的寒冷留在 我的手上,而我想着他 躺在冰点以下 带有一个死物的硕大支承他 长眠。

What We Need Is Here


Geese appear high over us, pass, and the sky closes. Abandon, as in love or sleep, holds them to their way, clear in the ancient faith: what we need is here. And we pray, not for new earth or heaven, but to be quiet in heart, and in eye, clear. What we need is here.


大雁高高地在我们上方出现, 通过,而天空封闭。放弃, 如同在爱与睡眠里,保持 它们走它们的路,明确 在古老的信念里:我们需要的 都在这里。而我们祈祷,不 是为求新的大地或天堂,而是为了 心中平静从容,眼中清晰 明亮。我们需要的都在这里。

The Hidden Singer


The gods are less for their love of praise. Above and below them all is a spirit that needs nothing but its own wholeness, its health and ours. It has made all things by dividing itself. It will be whole again. To its joy we come together -- the seer and the seen, the eater and the eaten, the lover and the loved. In our joining it knows itself. It is with us then, not as the gods whose names crest in unearthly fire, but as a little bird hidden in the leaves who sings quietly and waits, and sings.


神不那么神圣因为他们喜爱赞扬。 在他们上下是一种精神不需要什么 除了其自身完整,它的和我们的健康。 通过划分自己它已做成所有东西。 它会再次成为整体。 它的喜悦是因为我们走到一起— 看者与被看者,食者与被食者, 爱者与被爱者。 它在我们的结合中了解自己。然后与我们, 不是作为在非尘世之火中名至顶点的神, 而是作为一只隐藏在片片树叶之中的小鸟 平静地歌唱和等待,歌唱着。

In this World


The hill pasture, an open place among the trees, tilts into the valley. The clovers and tall grasses are in bloom. Along the foot of the hill dark floodwater moves down the river. The sun sets. Ahead of nightfall the birds sing. I have climbed up to water the horses and now sit and rest, high on the hillside, letting the day gather and pass. Below me cattle graze out across the wide fields of the bottomlands, slow and preoccupied as stars. In this world men are making plans, wearing themselves out, spending their lives, in order to kill each other.


小山牧场,一个林间空旷地, 倾斜入山谷。红花草和高高的青草 茁壮生长。沿着山脚 暗色的洪水流下河。 太阳落下。鸟儿抢在夜幕降落前歌唱。 我已攀上去饮马 现坐下休息,在高高的山坡上, 让这时日聚集并消失。在我之下 牛在宽广的低洼地上吃草, 象星星一般缓慢和专注。在这个世界里 人正制订计划,耗尽他们自己, 消磨他们的生活,为了相互残杀。

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