  Yidan Han

Hsia Ching

夏菁,是盛志澄的笔名,浙江嘉兴人.美国科罗拉多州立大学硕士,曾任联合国专家及科罗拉多教授等职。夏菁是台湾 “蓝星诗社” 创始人之一,是《诗天空》双语季刊顾问。自1954年出版第一本诗集起,已有九种,包括近年出版的《雪岭》(2003)和《夏菁短诗选》(2004)等。另出版有散文四种。其诗文,近年来常在美国、台湾、香港中文报纸及期刊发表。夏菁现居科罗拉多州的可临视堡。

Hsia Ching, the pen name of Ted (Tse) C. Sheng, was born in Zhejiang, China in 1925. He received his M.S. degree from the Colorado State University (1966) and has worked with the United Nations and taught at the Colorado State University. Hsia Ching was one of the founders of the Blue Stars Poetry Society in Taiwan in early Fifties. Since his first collection of poems published in 1954, he has produced a total of nine volumes of poems including the recent two: A Snow-capped Peak (2003) and Selected Poems of Hsia Ching (2004).


Hsia Ching


The Memory of a Beach

那年我们在一片沙滩上 留下了一页落日的回忆 我们的足迹被淹没千万次 只有风一如往昔 在这片无常的地带 没有什么可以持久 马鞍藤昨日还爬得高兴 今朝却一无踪影 白沙丘也似一群鸽子 被晚风逐得无痕 远处的岩石似陆地的脚趾 在试探海潮起伏的感情 而海,总是浩浩地无边 像死亡一样肯定 夹在陆地和海洋之间 一切是短暂和多变 一只小蟹努力地爬上来 几番、被浪潮退还 它给了我一点什么启示 到如今不能忘怀


We left at this beach, years ago The memory of a sun descending low Our footsteps were submerged million times Only the wind is still the same On this ever-changing strip Nothing could be hold long Yesterday the Ipomoeas were thriving This morning they have already gone The white dunes like a flock of doves Were swept clean by the evening cyclone A distant rock, as the toe of the earth Is testing the undulant emotion of the sea And the sea, always vast and no end Just like death, is so certain to me Existed between the sea and the land All seem temporary and changeable A little crab struggling to climb upland Was many times brought back by the tide Up to this day I still couldn't forget What a hint she has left to my mind


Spring Snow

春雪夹带着和靄的气氛 洒落着片片的柔情 假如对严冬你感到厌弃 现在会掀起再生的欢喜 在这一年开始的时光 总会有一种希冀和渴望 不管今年会带给我们 什么样的喧闹或缤纷 此刻,世界是如此静谧 远远只听到微风的呼吸 可是,它短得像一幕哑戏 受不了太阳的逼视和妒嫉 看着一片片落地即融的雪花 今生今世有什么可以真正留下


Spring snow brings a warm atmosphere By scattering pieces of tender flakes If you were tired with the severe winter Now you feel renewedly happy for a break At the year's very beginning We always raise certain hopes and wishes Despite what the year can finally bring Whether they are colorful events or noises At this moment, however, the world is so quite You can hear the breath of the breeze afar But the scene was as brief as a pantomime show Owing to sun's jealousy and sternly stare Looking at the quick-melting on the ground I wonder what life can really leave behind

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