  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Laura Riding

Laura Riding(1901-1991) Jackson was born in Laura Reichenthal in New York City. She was honored with the Mark Rothko Appreciation Award in 1971, a Guggenheim fellowship in 1973, a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship in 1979, and, in 1991, Yale University's Bollingen Prize for her lifetime contribution to poetry.

劳拉-莱汀,1901年生于纽约。劳拉曾就读于康奈尔大学。1926年,她的第一本诗集《亲密的念珠》出版。大约在1941年,她放弃了诗歌,退出公众文学生涯。1945年以后她继续写和出版散文, 主题主要关乎哲学和语言学。 劳拉卒于1991年,作品多在身后出版,并译至法国、德国、西班牙、丹麦、波兰、巴西和挪威,主要包括:《初醒》(早期诗歌,1992年),《理性的意义——一种词语解说的新地基》,《劳拉?莱汀的诗,1938—1980新修订版》,《在心灵的守护之下》(2004),《失效的诗,语言的承诺》(2007),《持续的持续》(2008),以及最后两卷回忆录《我这个人》(2011)。


Wang Yixiao


Wang Yixiao, pen name Yi Xiao. She has published two books of poetry, including Singing of Time (2011) and Never Forget the Paths We've Taken. Her poems have appeared in various magazines, including Poetry Selected in China. She lives in GuangZhou, China.

Yes And No


Across a continent imaginary Because it cannot be discovered now Upon this fully apprehended planet— No more applicants considered, Alas, alas— Ran an animal unzoological, Without a fate, without a fact, Its private history intact Against the travesty Of an anatomy. Not visible not invisible, Removed by dayless night, Did it ever fly its ground Out of fancy into light, Into space to replace Its unwritable decease? Ah, the minutes twinkle in and out And in and out come and go One by one, none by none, What we know, what we don't know.


横穿一片假想的大陆 现今它无处可寻 在这个已被充分掌握的星球之上—— 不再有被考虑的候补者, 唉,唉—— 一只非动物学的动物曾经奔跑 在命数之外,真相之外, 它私密的历史完美无瑕 与解剖学的拙劣模仿 相反。 不是可见之物,不是隐藏之物, 被无昼之夜抹除, 它是不是曾飞离了它的领地 从幻想飞入光, 进入太空以替代 它那不可书写的死亡? 哦,那些时刻闪烁着进出 进进出出,来来去去 分秒接分秒,无时接无时, 我们知道,我们不知道。

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