  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Lin Mang


Lin Mang was born in November 1949. He went to primary and high school in Beijing. In 1969 he went to Bai Yang Dian, beginning to write poetry and became one of the key members of Bai Yang Dian Poetry Group. He taught in high school and college in Beijing until he worked for China Writers' Association in 1992. He also writes non-fiction and poetry critical articles. His publications include I flow over the land, Lin Mang's Poetry, Eternal Instants, Short Poems by Lin Mang, The Light Penetrating Years. He has edited a number of poetry anthologies. He is one of the key editors of Poetry Exploration.


An Fang


An Fang was born in 1981 in Luoyang, Henan Province. She is now an English teacher in Chengdu Institute, Sichuan International Studies University. She has won the second prize in the 19th Han Suyin Award for Young Translators and the first prize in the 4th Yilin Award for New Translators.


Transported to the Long-Gone Song Dynasty

走进一座春雨中的巴蜀小城 芭蕉和桂树的叶子 接住了黑瓦上垂落的雨滴 它们晶莹地溅落在经年愈黑的窗棂上 老屋内透出了旧生活沉着而舒缓的气息 木几上梅子釉的盖碗 还有竹叶青飘逸的茶香 毕竟太细小 太鲜嫩了 它们还无法回到古老的宋朝 而我们向往的 生命的简约和沉郁 在一座小小的博物馆里 饱满而温润地延伸到了现在 那天从宋瓷博物馆出来 龙泉青瓷如玉的秀色依旧令我恍惚 几位诗友相聚于引鹤茶楼 芭蕉泣雨 竹椅微凉 身着印花衣衫的侍女 头颈微垂 领我们走上窄窄的木梯 一杯浓郁的滇红让人心神沉静 时空穿越 那一刻 仿佛真的回到了久违的宋朝


I traveled to a small city of Sichuan in the spring rain The leaves of banana and osmanthus trees caught raindrops dripping from black roof tiles Crystal clear, the rain fell pitter-patter on the weatherworn window panes of an ancient house oozing with a laid-back ambience of old lifestyle The fragrance of green tea from the lidded bowls with plum green glaze on the wooden table was too fresh and delicate to transport us back to the Song Dynasty The simplicity and profoundness of life that we've been longing for was found, unexpectedly, in the well-preserved ceramics of a small museum where I experienced it in its fullness Still entranced by the luster and beauty of green glazed Longquan ceramics, I walked out of the Museum of the Song Dynasty Porcelain to meet some of my friends in Yinhe Tea House Raindrops kept falling off the leaves of banana trees giving the bamboo chairs a slight chill The waitress in flowered blouse with her head gently bowed led us up a narrow wooden stair A cup of strong Yunnan black tea brought peace to my mind At that moment I felt as if I was transported to the bygone Song Dynasty

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